arXiv reaDer
Possibilistic Fuzzy Local Information C-Means with Automated Feature Selection for Seafloor Segmentation
The Possibilistic Fuzzy Local Information C-Means (PFLICM) method is presented as a technique to segment side-look synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) imagery into distinct regions of the sea-floor. In this work, we investigate and present the results of an automated feature selection approach for SAS image segmentation. The chosen features and resulting segmentation from the image will be assessed based on a select quantitative clustering validity criterion and the subset of the features that reach a desired threshold will be used for the segmentation process.
updated: Thu Oct 14 2021 15:00:12 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Oct 14 2021 15:00:12 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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