arXiv reaDer
Complex Network-Based Approach for Feature Extraction and Classification of Musical Genres
Musical genre's classification has been a relevant research topic. The association between music and genres is fundamental for the media industry, which manages musical recommendation systems, and for music streaming services, which may appear classified by genres. In this context, this work presents a feature extraction method for the automatic classification of musical genres, based on complex networks and their topological measurements. The proposed method initially converts the musics into sequences of musical notes and then maps the sequences as complex networks. Topological measurements are extracted to characterize the network topology, which composes a feature vector that applies to the classification of musical genres. The method was evaluated in the classification of 10 musical genres by adopting the GTZAN dataset and 8 musical genres by adopting the FMA dataset. The results were compared with methods in the literature. The proposed method outperformed all compared methods by presenting high accuracy and low standard deviation, showing its suitability for the musical genre's classification, which contributes to the media industry in the automatic classification with assertiveness and robustness. The proposed method is implemented in an open source in the Python language and freely available at
updated: Sat Oct 09 2021 22:23:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Oct 09 2021 22:23:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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