arXiv reaDer
SIRe-Networks: Skip Connections over Interlaced Multi-Task Learning and Residual Connections for Structure Preserving Object Classification
Improving existing neural network architectures can involve several design choices such as manipulating the loss functions, employing a diverse learning strategy, exploiting gradient evolution at training time, optimizing the network hyper-parameters, or increasing the architecture depth. The latter approach is a straightforward solution, since it directly enhances the representation capabilities of a network; however, the increased depth generally incurs in the well-known vanishing gradient problem. In this paper, borrowing from different methods addressing this issue, we introduce an interlaced multi-task learning strategy, defined SIRe, to reduce the vanishing gradient in relation to the object classification task. The presented methodology directly improves a convolutional neural network (CNN) by enforcing the input image structure preservation through interlaced auto-encoders, and further refines the base network architecture by means of skip and residual connections. To validate the presented methodology, a simple CNN and various implementations of famous networks are extended via the SIRe strategy and extensively tested on the CIFAR100 dataset; where the SIRe-extended architectures achieve significantly increased performances across all models, thus confirming the presented approach effectiveness.
updated: Wed Oct 06 2021 13:54:49 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Oct 06 2021 13:54:49 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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