arXiv reaDer
A Survey of Fish Tracking Techniques Based on Computer Vision
Fish tracking is a key technology for obtaining movement trajectories and identifying abnormal behavior. However, it faces considerable challenges, including occlusion, multi-scale tracking, and fish deformation. Notably, extant reviews have focused more on behavioral analysis rather than providing a comprehensive overview of computer vision-based fish tracking approaches. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the advancements of fish tracking technologies over the past seven years (2017-2023). It explores diverse fish tracking techniques with an emphasis on fundamental localization and tracking methods. Auxiliary plugins commonly integrated into fish tracking systems, such as underwater image enhancement and re-identification, are also examined. Additionally, this paper summarizes open-source datasets, evaluation metrics, challenges, and applications in fish tracking research. Finally, a comprehensive discussion offers insights and future directions for vision-based fish tracking techniques. We hope that our work could provide a partial reference in the development of fish tracking algorithms.
updated: Mon Nov 06 2023 06:03:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Oct 06 2021 07:46:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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