arXiv reaDer
Space Time Recurrent Memory Network
Transformers have recently been popular for learning and inference in the spatial-temporal domain. However, their performance relies on storing and applying attention to the feature tensor of each frame in video. Hence, their space and time complexity increase linearly as the length of video grows, which could be very costly for long videos. We propose a novel visual memory network architecture for the learning and inference problem in the spatial-temporal domain. We maintain a fixed set of memory slots in our memory network and propose an algorithm based on Gumbel-Softmax to learn an adaptive strategy to update this memory. Finally, this architecture is benchmarked on the video object segmentation (VOS) and video prediction problems. We demonstrate that our memory architecture achieves state-of-the-art results, outperforming transformer-based methods on VOS and other recent methods on video prediction while maintaining constant memory capacity independent of the sequence length.
updated: Wed Jul 06 2022 23:43:42 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Sep 14 2021 06:53:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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