arXiv reaDer
SAR image matching algorithm based on multi-class features
Synthetic aperture radar has the ability to work 24/7 and 24/7, and has high application value. Propose a new SAR image matching algorithm based on multi class features, mainly using two different types of features: straight lines and regions to enhance the robustness of the matching algorithm; On the basis of using prior knowledge of images, combined with LSD (Line Segment Detector) line detection and template matching algorithm, by analyzing the attribute correlation between line and surface features in SAR images, selecting line and region features in SAR images to match the images, the matching accuracy between SAR images and visible light images is improved, and the probability of matching errors is reduced. The experimental results have verified that this algorithm can obtain high-precision matching results, achieve precise target positioning, and has good robustness to changes in perspective and lighting. The results are accurate and false positives are controllable.
updated: Mon May 06 2024 09:27:49 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Aug 13 2021 01:07:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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