arXiv reaDer
Enhancing MR Image Segmentation with Realistic Adversarial Data Augmentation
The success of neural networks on medical image segmentation tasks typically relies on large labeled datasets for model training. However, acquiring and manually labeling a large medical image set is resource-intensive, expensive, and sometimes impractical due to data sharing and privacy issues. To address this challenge, we propose an adversarial data augmentation approach to improve the efficiency in utilizing training data and to enlarge the dataset via simulated but realistic transformations. Specifically, we present a generic task-driven learning framework, which jointly optimizes a data augmentation model and a segmentation network during training, generating informative examples to enhance network generalizability for the downstream task. The data augmentation model utilizes a set of photometric and geometric image transformations and chains them to simulate realistic complex imaging variations that could exist in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The proposed adversarial data augmentation does not rely on generative networks and can be used as a plug-in module in general segmentation networks. It is computationally efficient and applicable for both supervised and semi-supervised learning. We analyze and evaluate the method on two MR image segmentation tasks: cardiac segmentation and prostate segmentation. Results show that the proposed approach can alleviate the need for labeled data while improving model generalization ability, indicating its practical value in medical imaging applications.
updated: Sat Aug 07 2021 11:32:37 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Aug 07 2021 11:32:37 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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