arXiv reaDer
Semantic Segmentation on Multiple Visual Domains
Semantic segmentation models only perform well on the domain they are trained on and datasets for training are scarce and often have a small label-spaces, because the pixel level annotations required are expensive to make. Thus training models on multiple existing domains is desired to increase the output label-space. Current research shows that there is potential to improve accuracy across datasets by using multi-domain training, but this has not yet been successfully extended to datasets of three different non-overlapping domains without manual labelling. In this paper a method for this is proposed for the datasets Cityscapes, SUIM and SUN RGB-D, by creating a label-space that spans all classes of the datasets. Duplicate classes are merged and discrepant granularity is solved by keeping classes separate. Results show that accuracy of the multi-domain model has higher accuracy than all baseline models together, if hardware performance is equalized, as resources are not limitless, showing that models benefit from additional data even from domains that have nothing in common.
updated: Fri Jul 09 2021 09:34:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Jul 09 2021 09:34:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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