arXiv reaDer
Chameleon: A Semi-AutoML framework targeting quick and scalable development and deployment of production-ready ML systems for SMEs
Developing, scaling, and deploying modern Machine Learning solutions remains challenging for small- and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs). This is due to a high entry barrier of building and maintaining a dedicated IT team as well as the difficulties of real-world data (RWD) compared to standard benchmark data. To address this challenge, we discuss the implementation and concepts of Chameleon, a semi-AutoML framework. The goal of Chameleon is fast and scalable development and deployment of production-ready machine learning systems into the workflow of SMEs. We first discuss the RWD challenges faced by SMEs. After, we outline the central part of the framework which is a model and loss-function zoo with RWD-relevant defaults. Subsequently, we present how one can use a templatable framework in order to automate the experiment iteration cycle, as well as close the gap between development and deployment. Finally, we touch on our testing framework component allowing us to investigate common model failure modes and support best practices of model deployment governance.
updated: Sat May 08 2021 10:43:26 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat May 08 2021 10:43:26 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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