arXiv reaDer
Domain-Specific Suppression for Adaptive Object Detection
Domain adaptation methods face performance degradation in object detection, as the complexity of tasks require more about the transferability of the model. We propose a new perspective on how CNN models gain the transferability, viewing the weights of a model as a series of motion patterns. The directions of weights, and the gradients, can be divided into domain-specific and domain-invariant parts, and the goal of domain adaptation is to concentrate on the domain-invariant direction while eliminating the disturbance from domain-specific one. Current UDA object detection methods view the two directions as a whole while optimizing, which will cause domain-invariant direction mismatch even if the output features are perfectly aligned. In this paper, we propose the domain-specific suppression, an exemplary and generalizable constraint to the original convolution gradients in backpropagation to detach the two parts of directions and suppress the domain-specific one. We further validate our theoretical analysis and methods on several domain adaptive object detection tasks, including weather, camera configuration, and synthetic to real-world adaptation. Our experiment results show significant advance over the state-of-the-art methods in the UDA object detection field, performing a promotion of 10.2∼12.2% mAP on all these domain adaptation scenarios.
updated: Sat May 08 2021 03:11:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat May 08 2021 03:11:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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