arXiv reaDer
Harmonious Semantic Line Detection via Maximal Weight Clique Selection
A novel algorithm to detect an optimal set of semantic lines is proposed in this work. We develop two networks: selection network (S-Net) and harmonization network (H-Net). First, S-Net computes the probabilities and offsets of line candidates. Second, we filter out irrelevant lines through a selection-and-removal process. Third, we construct a complete graph, whose edge weights are computed by H-Net. Finally, we determine a maximal weight clique representing an optimal set of semantic lines. Moreover, to assess the overall harmony of detected lines, we propose a novel metric, called HIoU. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can detect harmonious semantic lines effectively and efficiently. Our codes are available at
updated: Wed Apr 14 2021 14:54:27 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Apr 14 2021 14:54:27 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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