arXiv reaDer
Towards Building A Group-based Unsupervised Representation Disentanglement Framework
Disentangled representation learning is one of the major goals of deep learning, and is a key step for achieving explainable and generalizable models. A well-defined theoretical guarantee still lacks for the VAE-based unsupervised methods, which are a set of popular methods to achieve unsupervised disentanglement. The Group Theory based definition of representation disentanglement mathematically connects the data transformations to the representations using the formalism of group. In this paper, built on the group-based definition and inspired by the n-th dihedral group, we first propose a theoretical framework towards achieving unsupervised representation disentanglement. We then propose a model, based on existing VAE-based methods, to tackle the unsupervised learning problem of the framework. In the theoretical framework, we prove three sufficient conditions on model, group structure, and data respectively in an effort to achieve, in an unsupervised way, disentangled representation per group-based definition. With the first two of the conditions satisfied and a necessary condition derived for the third one, we offer additional constraints, from the perspective of the group-based definition, for the existing VAE-based models. Experimentally, we train 1800 models covering the most prominent VAE-based methods on five datasets to verify the effectiveness of our theoretical framework. Compared to the original VAE-based methods, these Groupified VAEs consistently achieve better mean performance with smaller variances.
updated: Tue Mar 15 2022 13:14:07 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Feb 20 2021 09:49:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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