arXiv reaDer
DSM Refinement with Deep Encoder-Decoder Networks
3D city models can be generated from aerial images. However, the calculated DSMs suffer from noise, artefacts, and data holes that have to be manually cleaned up in a time-consuming process. This work presents an approach that automatically refines such DSMs. The key idea is to teach a neural network the characteristics of urban area from reference data. In order to achieve this goal, a loss function consisting of an L1 norm and a feature loss is proposed. These features are constructed using a pre-trained image classification network. To learn to update the height maps, the network architecture is set up based on the concept of deep residual learning and an encoder-decoder structure. The results show that this combination is highly effective in preserving the relevant geometric structures while removing the undesired artefacts and noise.
updated: Mon Dec 14 2020 11:27:42 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Dec 14 2020 11:27:42 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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