arXiv reaDer
Knowledge Capture and Replay for Continual Learning
Deep neural networks have shown promise in several domains, and the learned data (task) specific information is implicitly stored in the network parameters. Extraction and utilization of encoded knowledge representations are vital when data is no longer available in the future, especially in a continual learning scenario. In this work, we introduce flashcards, which are visual representations that capture the encoded knowledge of a network as a recursive function of predefined random image patterns. In a continual learning scenario, flashcards help to prevent catastrophic forgetting and consolidating knowledge of all the previous tasks. Flashcards need to be constructed only before learning the subsequent task, and hence, independent of the number of tasks trained before. We demonstrate the efficacy of flashcards in capturing learned knowledge representation (as an alternative to the original dataset) and empirically validate on a variety of continual learning tasks: reconstruction, denoising, task-incremental learning, and new-instance learning classification, using several heterogeneous benchmark datasets. Experimental evidence indicates that: (i) flashcards as a replay strategy is \em task agnostic, (ii) performs better than generative replay, and (iii) is on par with episodic replay without additional memory overhead.
updated: Thu Apr 29 2021 14:17:52 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Dec 12 2020 11:24:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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