arXiv reaDer
Learning To Find Shortest Collision-Free Paths From Images
Motion planning is a fundamental problem in robotics and machine perception. Sampling-based planners find accurate solutions by exhaustively exploring the space, but are inefficient and tend to produce jerky motions. Optimization and learning-based planners are more efficient and produce smooth trajectories. However, a significant hurdle that these approaches face is constructing a differentiable cost function that simultaneously minimizes path length and avoids collisions. These two objectives are conflicting by nature -- path length is continuous and well-behaved, but collisions are discrete non-differentiable events. Reconciling these terms has been a significant challenge in optimization-based motion planning. The main contribution of this paper is a novel cost function that guarantees collision-free shortest paths are found at its minimum. We show that our approach works seamlessly with RGBD input and predicts high-quality paths in 2D, 3D, and 6 DoF robotic manipulator settings. Our method also reduces training and inference time compared to existing approaches, in some cases by orders of magnitude.
updated: Mon Nov 30 2020 13:45:55 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Nov 30 2020 13:45:55 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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