arXiv reaDer
Quantifying Explainability of Saliency Methods in Deep Neural Networks with a Synthetic Dataset
Post-hoc analysis is a popular category in eXplainable artificial intelligence (XAI) study. In particular, methods that generate heatmaps have been used to explain the deep neural network (DNN), a black-box model. Heatmaps can be appealing due to the intuitive and visual ways to understand them but assessing their qualities might not be straightforward. Different ways to assess heatmaps' quality have their own merits and shortcomings. This paper introduces a synthetic dataset that can be generated adhoc along with the ground-truth heatmaps for more objective quantitative assessment. Each sample data is an image of a cell with easily recognized features that are distinguished from localization ground-truth mask, hence facilitating a more transparent assessment of different XAI methods. Comparison and recommendations are made, shortcomings are clarified along with suggestions for future research directions to handle the finer details of select post-hoc analysis methods.
updated: Sat May 07 2022 09:24:49 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 07 2020 05:55:24 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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