arXiv reaDer
Gaussian kernel smoothing
Image acquisition and segmentation are likely to introduce noise. Further image processing such as image registration and parameterization can introduce additional noise. It is thus imperative to reduce noise measurements and boost signal. In order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and smoothness of data required for the subsequent random field theory based statistical inference, some type of smoothing is necessary. Among many image smoothing methods, Gaussian kernel smoothing has emerged as a de facto smoothing technique among brain imaging researchers due to its simplicity in numerical implementation. Gaussian kernel smoothing also increases statistical sensitivity and statistical power as well as Gausianness. Gaussian kernel smoothing can be viewed as weighted averaging of voxel values. Then from the central limit theorem, the weighted average should be more Gaussian.
updated: Thu Nov 25 2021 10:57:38 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Jul 19 2020 00:19:07 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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