arXiv reaDer
Dialog Policy Learning for Joint Clarification and Active Learning Queries
Intelligent systems need to be able to recover from mistakes, resolve uncertainty, and adapt to novel concepts not seen during training. Dialog interaction can enable this by the use of clarifications for correction and resolving uncertainty, and active learning queries to learn new concepts encountered during operation. Prior work on dialog systems has either focused on exclusively learning how to perform clarification/ information seeking, or to perform active learning. In this work, we train a hierarchical dialog policy to jointly perform both clarification and active learning in the context of an interactive language-based image retrieval task motivated by an online shopping application, and demonstrate that jointly learning dialog policies for clarification and active learning is more effective than the use of static dialog policies for one or both of these functions.
updated: Mon Dec 14 2020 03:31:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Jun 09 2020 18:53:21 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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