arXiv reaDer
Learning Global and Local Features of Normal Brain Anatomy for Unsupervised Abnormality Detection
In real-world clinical practice, overlooking unanticipated findings can result in serious consequences. However, supervised learning, which is the foundation for the current success of deep learning, only encourages models to identify abnormalities that are defined in datasets in advance. Therefore, abnormality detection must be implemented in medical images that are not limited to a specific disease category. In this study, we demonstrate an unsupervised learning framework for pixel-wise abnormality detection in brain magnetic resonance imaging captured from a patient population with metastatic brain tumor. Our concept is as follows: If an image reconstruction network can faithfully reproduce the global features of normal anatomy, then the abnormal lesions in unseen images can be identified based on the local difference from those reconstructed as normal by a discriminative network. Both networks are trained on a dataset comprising only normal images without labels. In addition, we devise a metric to evaluate the anatomical fidelity of the reconstructed images and confirm that the overall detection performance is improved when the image reconstruction network achieves a higher score. For evaluation, clinically significant abnormalities are comprehensively segmented. The results show that the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve values for metastatic brain tumors, extracranial metastatic tumors, postoperative cavities, and structural changes are 0.78, 0.61, 0.91, and 0.60, respectively.
updated: Sat May 08 2021 11:45:24 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue May 26 2020 08:46:32 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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