arXiv reaDer
Visual Explanation for Deep Metric Learning
This work explores the visual explanation for deep metric learning and its applications. As an important problem for learning representation, metric learning has attracted much attention recently, while the interpretation of such model is not as well studied as classification. To this end, we propose an intuitive idea to show where contributes the most to the overall similarity of two input images by decomposing the final activation. Instead of only providing the overall activation map of each image, we propose to generate point-to-point activation intensity between two images so that the relationship between different regions is uncovered. We show that the proposed framework can be directly deployed to a large range of metric learning applications and provides valuable information for understanding the model. Furthermore, our experiments show its effectiveness on two potential applications, i.e. cross-view pattern discovery and interactive retrieval. The source code is available at
updated: Thu Jul 30 2020 21:16:50 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Sep 27 2019 22:30:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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