arXiv reaDer
Deep Video Deblurring: The Devil is in the Details
Video deblurring for hand-held cameras is a challenging task, since the underlying blur is caused by both camera shake and object motion. State-of-the-art deep networks exploit temporal information from neighboring frames, either by means of spatio-temporal transformers or by recurrent architectures. In contrast to these involved models, we found that a simple baseline CNN can perform astonishingly well when particular care is taken w.r.t. the details of model and training procedure. To that end, we conduct a comprehensive study regarding these crucial details, uncovering extreme differences in quantitative and qualitative performance. Exploiting these details allows us to boost the architecture and training procedure of a simple baseline CNN by a staggering 3.15dB, such that it becomes highly competitive w.r.t. cutting-edge networks. This raises the question whether the reported accuracy difference between models is always due to technical contributions or also subject to such orthogonal, but crucial details.
updated: Thu Sep 26 2019 15:35:29 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Sep 26 2019 15:35:29 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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