arXiv reaDer
Image Counterfactual Sensitivity Analysis for Detecting Unintended Bias
Facial analysis models are increasingly used in applications that have serious impacts on people's lives, ranging from authentication to surveillance tracking. It is therefore critical to develop techniques that can reveal unintended biases in facial classifiers to help guide the ethical use of facial analysis technology. This work proposes a framework called image counterfactual sensitivity analysis, which we explore as a proof-of-concept in analyzing a smiling attribute classifier trained on faces of celebrities. The framework utilizes counterfactuals to examine how a classifier's prediction changes if a face characteristic slightly changes. We leverage recent advances in generative adversarial networks to build a realistic generative model of face images that affords controlled manipulation of specific image characteristics. We then introduce a set of metrics that measure the effect of manipulating a specific property on the output of the trained classifier. Empirically, we find several different factors of variation that affect the predictions of the smiling classifier. This proof-of-concept demonstrates potential ways generative models can be leveraged for fine-grained analysis of bias and fairness.
updated: Sat Oct 03 2020 21:33:55 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Jun 14 2019 23:50:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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