arXiv reaDer
A General Homogeneous Matrix Formulation to 3D Rotation Geometric Transformations
We present algebraic projective geometry definitions of 3D rotations so as to bridge a small gap between the applications and the definitions of 3D rotations in homogeneous matrix form. A general homogeneous matrix formulation to 3D rotation geometric transformations is proposed which suits for the cases when the rotation axis is unnecessarily through the coordinate system origin given their rotation axes and rotation angles. General three-dimensional rotation formula~eqn:3D homogeneous roation and~eqn:3D rotation matrix vector Euclidean similar to the Euler-Rodrigues formula were presented. The matrix-vector form of 3D rotation in Euclidean space is especially suited for numerical applications where gimbal lock is a concern.}
updated: Fri Nov 01 2024 04:35:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Apr 24 2014 08:49:52 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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