arXiv reaDer
Multiresolution Elastic Medical Image Registration in Standard Intensity Scale
Medical image registration is a difficult problem. Not only a registration algorithm needs to capture both large and small scale image deformations, it also has to deal with global and local image intensity variations. In this paper we describe a new multiresolution elastic image registration method that challenges these difficulties in image registration. To capture large and small scale image deformations, we use both global and local affine transformation algorithms. To address global and local image intensity variations, we apply an image intensity standardization algorithm to correct image intensity variations. This transforms image intensities into a standard intensity scale, which allows highly accurate registration of medical images.
updated: Sun Jul 12 2009 22:39:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Jul 12 2009 22:39:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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