arXiv reaDer
Learning View Generalization Functions
Learning object models from views in 3D visual object recognition is usually formulated either as a function approximation problem of a function describing the view-manifold of an object, or as that of learning a class-conditional density. This paper describes an alternative framework for learning in visual object recognition, that of learning the view-generalization function. Using the view-generalization function, an observer can perform Bayes-optimal 3D object recognition given one or more 2D training views directly, without the need for a separate model acquisition step. The paper shows that view generalization functions can be computationally practical by restating two widely-used methods, the eigenspace and linear combination of views approaches, in a view generalization framework. The paper relates the approach to recent methods for object recognition based on non-uniform blurring. The paper presents results both on simulated 3D ``paperclip'' objects and real-world images from the COIL-100 database showing that useful view-generalization functions can be realistically be learned from a comparatively small number of training examples.
updated: Sun Dec 02 2007 10:54:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Dec 02 2007 10:54:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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